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Friday, August 5, 2016

Can someone find me a copy of this article in Israel Journal of Chemistry?

- Hallo sahabat Berita Hari ini, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul , kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : Can someone find me a copy of this article in Israel Journal of Chemistry?
link : Can someone find me a copy of this article in Israel Journal of Chemistry?

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"Wolf Prize Acceptance Address The Knesset, 16 May 1993" by Ahmed H. Zewail? thanks.

"Wolf Prize Acceptance Address The Knesset, 16 May 1993" by Ahmed H. Zewail? thanks.

Trump and Hillary

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Judul : Trump and Hillary
link : Trump and Hillary

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Never in my lifetime have the two rival presidential candidates in the US been more unprincipled. I don't think that Trump or Hillary stand stand for anything. They just want to win, no matter.

Never in my lifetime have the two rival presidential candidates in the US been more unprincipled. I don't think that Trump or Hillary stand stand for anything. They just want to win, no matter.

Former head of the CIA in the New York Times

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Judul : Former head of the CIA in the New York Times
link : Former head of the CIA in the New York Times

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Salman Rushdie, among others, are acting that American voters should take their clue (about voting for Hillary) from former head of the CIA.  Among the virtues of Hillary listed by the guy is her "toughness".  More wars to come.

Salman Rushdie, among others, are acting that American voters should take their clue (about voting for Hillary) from former head of the CIA.  Among the virtues of Hillary listed by the guy is her "toughness".  More wars to come.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ann Coulter and Drudge Report: purveyors of hatred and racism

- Hallo sahabat Berita Hari ini, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul , kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : Ann Coulter and Drudge Report: purveyors of hatred and racism
link : Ann Coulter and Drudge Report: purveyors of hatred and racism

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It is rarely said that Drudge Report and Ann Coulter are the most vile purveyors of hatred and racism against Muslims in the US--you can add the Rev.  Franklin Graham (who officiated in George W. Bush's inaugural ceremonies).  The trio would be shunned out of US public life if what they write about Muslims is written about Jewish people.  

It is rarely said that Drudge Report and Ann Coulter are the most vile purveyors of hatred and racism against Muslims in the US--you can add the Rev.  Franklin Graham (who officiated in George W. Bush's inaugural ceremonies).  The trio would be shunned out of US public life if what they write about Muslims is written about Jewish people.  

Meet the new and revised Nusrah Front: Jabhat Fath Ash-Sham promises to exterminate Alawites

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Judul : Meet the new and revised Nusrah Front: Jabhat Fath Ash-Sham promises to exterminate Alawites
link : Meet the new and revised Nusrah Front: Jabhat Fath Ash-Sham promises to exterminate Alawites

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This will qualify for more US weapons now.  

This will qualify for more US weapons now.  

Files linking Britain to Israeli nukes go missing

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Judul : Files linking Britain to Israeli nukes go missing
link : Files linking Britain to Israeli nukes go missing

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"Among those listed as missing is a Foreign Office file from 1979 entitled: "Military and nuclear collaboration with Israel: Israeli nuclear armament"."

"Among those listed as missing is a Foreign Office file from 1979 entitled: "Military and nuclear collaboration with Israel: Israeli nuclear armament"."

Israel's BESA: Destruction of ISIS is a strategic mistake for the west & Israel

- Hallo sahabat Berita Hari ini, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul , kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

Judul : Israel's BESA: Destruction of ISIS is a strategic mistake for the west & Israel
link : Israel's BESA: Destruction of ISIS is a strategic mistake for the west & Israel

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"The continuing existence of IS serves a strategic purpose. Why help the brutal Assad regime win the Syrian civil war? Many radical Islamists in the opposition forces, i.e., Al Nusra and its offshoots, might find other arenas in which to operate closer to Paris and Berlin. Is it in the West’s interests to strengthen the Russian grip on Syria and bolster its influence in the Middle East? Is enhancing Iranian control of Iraq congruent with American objectives in that country? Only the strategic folly that currently prevails in Washington can consider it a positive to enhance the power of the Moscow-Tehran-Damascus axis by cooperating with Russia against IS. Furthermore, Hizballah – a radical Shiite anti-Western organization subservient to Iran – is being seriously taxed by the fight against IS, a state of affairs that suits Western interests."

"The continuing existence of IS serves a strategic purpose. Why help the brutal Assad regime win the Syrian civil war? Many radical Islamists in the opposition forces, i.e., Al Nusra and its offshoots, might find other arenas in which to operate closer to Paris and Berlin. Is it in the West’s interests to strengthen the Russian grip on Syria and bolster its influence in the Middle East? Is enhancing Iranian control of Iraq congruent with American objectives in that country? Only the strategic folly that currently prevails in Washington can consider it a positive to enhance the power of the Moscow-Tehran-Damascus axis by cooperating with Russia against IS. Furthermore, Hizballah – a radical Shiite anti-Western organization subservient to Iran – is being seriously taxed by the fight against IS, a state of affairs that suits Western interests."

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